The World Ends In April by Stacy McAnulty

What would you do if you knew the world was going to end in April?

Eleanor Dross has one friend, her best friend, Mack.
She has a survivalist grandfather, Grandpa Joe who takes
Eleanor and her brothers on surprise prepper drills.
She also knows that the world is going
to end in April when a huge asteroid is
going to hit the Earth and cause ‘the end of the world as we know it’. How does she know?
Well the internet tells her so.
Or more precisely, the website of astrophysicist Dr Martin Cologne.
And he must be right, he is an expert, he is
an adult, his website has all the facts.
And science supports this – didn’t a huge
asteroid impact cause the demise of the dinosaurs?

Soon, Eleanor becomes the president of
the (secret) End of the World Club.
For the first time, she is making new friends,
friends who look up to her as the expert of how
to survive the asteroid strike that no-one else believes is going to happen.

The ‘end of the world as we know it’
the major theme of this heart-warming middle grade story.
Eleanor has lost her mother.
Her best/only friend is moving to a different school.
For Eleanor, her world is ending.
As she and her ‘Nature club’ friends prepare for
April and the asteroid strike, Eleanor must work out ways to
save the ones she loves – even if they don’t
believe there is a need to be saved.
Along the way the realises that ‘the end of the world as we know it’
may just be a new beginning rather than an ending.

In our world of fake news, the ‘all knowing’ internet,
uncertainty about global warming causing the ‘end of the world as we know it’
and world leaders who strike fear into our souls, Eleanor’s story will melt your heart.

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